For this blogpost Marina Batinić from Culture Hub Croatia, one of the partners of the pilot (discover more here) will take the lead and share what was the process of engagement of the community of citizens that participated in Playful Futures. After setting up the project timeline with the team, in October 2022 we met… Continue reading Communicating Playful Futures – Phase 2
Wrapping up phase 1- the Game Design
Intro The last two months of work have been really cinematic. We’ve spent evening in bars gossiping with our colleagues, we’ve attended community meeting in which we had to decide the future of entire portions of our town, we’ve pondered about the universe, later at night, during an outpost in the desert, we developed new… Continue reading Wrapping up phase 1- the Game Design
Playful Futures
In this blog we will share the process behind Playful Futures – sci-fi online LARP ethnography for Mediterranean coastal communities a COESO funded pilot lead by Edgeryders in collaboration with Culture Hub Croatia (CHC) and TANTlab (University of Aalborg). The pilot will explore the potential of online LARPs (Live Action Role Play) to increase the… Continue reading Playful Futures